Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Find yourself, enjoy life!

Yesterday’s blog was on you being mindful of the bits of life that finally form who you are. Today, we will delve into finding YOU. Who are you? What is the reason you exist? Some people say life is beautiful because they have found themselves but others say life is worthless because they have not yet discovered who they really are. Have you ever wondered why life seems like a merry-go-round? You wake up each morning, brush, eat, go out for your business, come back home, sleep, and wake up again the next day…the same ritual. Life actually works perfectly and brilliantly. It has been fashioned by God that way, so that in the seemingly merry-go-round trip, you will find who you are and why you exist. Simply put: an individual goes out every day and finds himself in a situation-either in a bus, or in a friend’s house or in a social gathering-defending someone who is ridiculed or treated unkind, especially when they are not in any way related. This speaks volumes because, if this person finds himself/herself doing this all the time, BOOM!...right there! That is the reason they exist. They may want to study law and refine that crave/passion, so they can delve fully into defending the defenseless. This applies to every other crave, it could be music, art, carpentry, engineering etc. You would not want to delve into this because of the money but because doing it helps someone and makes you happy. Have you found yourself or you are struggling to come to terms with life. Life should be enjoyable with you in line with your crave/drive/passion. If you are not aligned with your passion, you may be seriously disconnected with life and you may be among many who do not understand the reason for living. Find yourself and align with your crave and see you enjoying life.
Find yourself, enjoy life!

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