Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Drape drawn - Happy Holidays!

Thank you for sticking with me this past one year of constant blogging. This is where I draw the drap on my daily blog. Do please enjoy reading these blogs day after day, and year after year until you become a better YOU.

Stay strong, well and blessed.

Happy Holidays!

Drape drawn - Happy Holidays!
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Giving galore!

Have you ever been in need? Or have you ever been homeless? Or without food or cloths? If the answer is yes, you know what to do this season. If the answer is no, reach out to someone who is needy, because it is a painful state for one to be in.

Locate somebody; the homeless, a disadvantaged single mum, a disadvantaged single dad, the poor, the lonely, one who repeats cloths and shoes day in and day out etc.

There is someone somewhere around you that needs a helping hand this season; reach out, be a blessing.

Have yourself a beautiful celebration as you make this season a giving galore!

Giving galore!
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Monday, December 3, 2012

Deliberately refuse!

I have learned over the years that I do not have to pay injustice for injustice; bad for bad; evil for evil; or have a revengeful attitude.

I have come to the conclusion that if I was ill-treated and I decided to counter ill-treatment with revenge, I am no different than the one who ill-treated me.

In other words, if someone was mean to you, either you ignore the act and slowly move away or just smile with the mind that they may be going through stress or are completely stupid entirely; better still, assume they are at a particular low level that you CANNOT succumb to (fight back). This puts you at a higher level or pedestal than they.

Deliberately refuse to assume a revengeful position at any given time; there are a billion beautiful things out there to occupy the mind with.

Deliberately refuse!
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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Get this magic; it works!

If you give people the opportunity to box you into a revengeful corner, you will truly be boxed into that ugly position for life. ~ Ochuko A.

A revengeful personality is a ugly sight to behold; run far from such and be free. The best way is to act like you never saw the act they put up at anytime. It is definitely not easy to ignore a mean act neither is it easy to ignore the perpetrator, but ignoring wicked or mean acts can be practiced and finally adopted over time.

Remember, the goal is not to ignore the person; the goal is to ignore the acts that are intentionally meant to either make you snap or to ridicule you.

I bet the person trying to hurt you would be so surprised you did not snap, and they will stop, and eventually apologize, especially if they have tried to hurt you several times without success. Get this magic, it works!

Get this magic; it works!
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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Protect your world!

You can do anything to be successful; you can actually achieve anything you set your heart to do, but in all you do, do not defraud, swindle or deceive in the name of success. Defrauding or swindling someone else in the name of success is the quickest and surest way to riches and a downward spiral thereafter. ~ Ochuko A.

It is easy to get lured into a deep pit or dish when the heart is not guarded. Your world is your heart. Your heart is your life. Protect your heart with all malice because any opening left unattended is a loophole for some negative insights (bad influence) to gain entrance.

Don’t ever let anybody tell you that whatever you are doing to get to your desired end is not working or that it is cul-de-sac (Impossibility). If they present a proposal on the quickest way to riches, thank them for their offer or proposal, and say, "I'm fine".

Truth is, before long, if you keep your gaze on the mark you have placed before you, you will surely get to that desired destination.

Protect your world!
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Never quit till you get it right!

As long as you keep working towards that focus or goal, you will get it right and hit the mark. ~ Ochuko A.

If you are struggling right now, it does not mean you will struggle forever. Don’t you remember that times and seasons don’t cease. There is always, winter, summer, fall, spring or raining and dry seasons.

So, never say, “I am tired”, “I am fed up”. If you must cry sometimes, please cry, there is nothing wrong with crying - it is okay - but, when you say those words, you are literally quitting on you. If a mother cannot quit on her suckling child who she must feed to keep alive or survive, why should you quit on the beautiful and hardworking you.

You can and definitely will get to your desired end. Do not despise whatever you are doing for a living right now, ‘cos the end will surely and definitely justify the means; you will always get to your desired destination if you only persevere in the hard times, and persist in doing well, you will get it right (hitting the mark).

Never quit till you get it right!
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