Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Let this be your inspiration!

“There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them.But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.” ~ Paulo Coelho

If you believe you will get out of any “ugly situation” you sure will. Look inside you and be strong; remember you are not alone. People have had worst experiences and came out strong. Let this be your inspiration!

Let this be your inspiration!
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Some persons think when they openly say, it is “impossible to do something” that they are being sincere; that is really not the case. Openly saying, it is “impossible to achieve or do something” literally demeans your person, sets a negative atmosphere in motion which may affect everyone who may be present, make people perceive you as the weakest link in a group or team, and your contribution may no longer be valued at anytime.

In addition, when you are beaten really hard by life, remember that; YOU CAN GET UP, IT IS POSSIBLE TO STAND, and MOST CERTAINLY you will stand and eventually get to your desired end.

Bottom-line: Expunge the word NEVER, IMPOSSIBLE, CANNOT from within you because it literally exposes your incapability to perform; instead, retain the words; I CAN, IT IS POSSIBLE, MOST CERTAINLY, ABSOLUTELY, etc. it is the starting point to getting a thing done.

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Monday, October 29, 2012

The golden rule!

Hey folks, the golden rule still lives!

  • If you need a friend; first be a friend.
  • If you desire respect; first respect others.
  • If you need love; first show some love.
  • Whatever you desire, first be that thing, and see it flowing your way.

There will absolutely be no hassle if we all stick to the golden rule; the surety is, you definitely will get along with people and with life in general

The golden rule!
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Age is just numbers!

Whatever you are doing to get ahead in life, do with all commitment and dedication, without bringing age to the equation; you will get to your desired end regardless of whether you are 50 or 19 years of age.

Just make sure the adventure or quest is worth the ride. But, most of all, never ever stop improving; it can only get better.

Bottom-line: Stop paying attention to your age; it is just numbers!

Age is just numbers!
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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Brains in gear first…!

Wisdom cries at the door; it says intelligence is, “putting my brain in gear before I set my mouth in motion”.

It is strange for someone to just run on words-freeway before engaging their brain. It also sheer stupidity for someone to take action on their quest for success before even engaging the brain.

Thinking hard about the path one may take to arrive at a destination or to accomplishing a task is paramount to achieving success in anything.

A brain in gear first is the safest sure way to drive in life’s highway.

Brains in gear first…!
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Friday, October 26, 2012

Keep moving don't stop!

“Persevere…because on the road to success there is never a crowd on the extra mile!” ~ Charity Gibson

On your quest for success, people may dessert you, people may mock you, the road may be slippery, sometimes you may even fall, and sometimes you may be alone and not know who to lean on; brace up and know that you will always come out strong and successful in the end. Keep moving don't stop!

Keep moving don't stop!
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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Do the talk!

“Deeds not Words” ~ Bernord Hor.”

On your quest for success do not backpedal on those incremental steps you would take to achieve your own success.

Be among the few who are known as go-getters. Remember: you are responsible for your destiny; in other words, you are responsible for how you eventually turn out.

Do the talk!
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Backpedalling hurts!

“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” Chris Grosser

On your quest for success do not backpedal on those incremental steps you would take to achieve your own success.

Be among the few who are known as go-getters. Remember: you are responsible for your destiny; in other words, you are responsible for how you eventually turn out.

Backpedalling hurts!
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall in line with the house norms! Manners....84

“Only those who embrace the wisdom in displaying manner and courtesy will enjoy the good fruit they bring” ~ Ochuko A

Maybe I am ignorant of proper conduct; can someone explain why a guest being hosted will be sleeping until late morning in households that rise early and not find it courtesy to wake up early and help out with some house chores of the host? Except maybe in some culture, guests hosted are allowed to sleep all day by the host; otherwise, the guest should fall in line with the house norms

In my opinion, it is absolute bad manners to sleep into the late hours of the morning and not realize the host needs assistance with household task. Correct?

Fall in line with the house norms!
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Monday, October 22, 2012 equates to making money!

“If you’re doing something you love, you’re more likely to put your all into it, and that generally equates to making money.” — Warren Buffett

So true! It can’t be said any better.

You should ALWAYS do what you enjoy as opposed to enjoying what you do. There is a clear distinction between these two.

If you do what you enjoy, there is the tendency for you to sow your time, strength, even money into the said thing you are enjoying. The word, “I am tired of this…” will NEVER proceed from your mouth. At times when you have not eaten or you have not been paid you do not even realize It; you just keep working, giving your best, and loving it. Correct?

It equates to making money!
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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hook yourself up...!

“I was lucky to have the right heroes. Tell me who your heroes are and I’ll tell you how you’ll turn out to be. The qualities of the one you admire are the traits that you, with a little practice, can make your own, and that, if practiced, will become habit-forming.” — Warren Buffett

It can somehow be likened to the phrase, “show me your friends and I will tell you your future” ~ John Kuebler

Who are my heroes, mentors? Who do I look up to for guidance? Who do I admire and aspire to be like, each day?

Am I leaning or tilting towards nihilism or emptiness? Is my personality getting shaped for better or for worse? Am I moving on and making incremental progress despite setbacks or I am disappointed in life and all it has to offer?

Answering these questions will not only make me aware of the good or bad effect my circles of friends have had on me, and allow me the opportunity to filter the “wheat from the tares”, but will help me make a decision on the right step towards the right direction.

People! Constantly ask yourself these questions so you would know if you are with the right persons of influence, on the right path, and moving towards the right direction. Otherwise, you would be stock (not knowing what to do next or how to make a U-turn in the event you discover you have made a mistake), and getting stock is not a pretty experience for anyone. You do not want to experience this.

Stop hating yourself or beating yourself up. You can do it! You can get there! Hook yourself up with the right people. Have someone you can lay bare your thoughts to, someone you will not be ashamed to be open to, and they can willingly and gladly guide you towards the right direction. Would you?

Hook yourself up...! - 83
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Saturday, October 20, 2012

U la la...really? Judge for yourself! - 83

Acts and behaviors that are considered bad manners in some countries are considered good manners in others.

For example: In China, Taiwan, belching is considered a compliment to the chef and a sign that you have eaten well and enjoyed your meal. In many others (countries) the opposite is the case.

Common sense says you should study your environment and make good judgment for yourself with regards to courtesy /bad manners around the world.

Consider it absolute bad manners to not study your environment or watch people to know what is “acceptable” and “unacceptable”. Good luck!

U la la...really? Judge for yourself! - 83
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Friday, October 19, 2012

It should resonate with you!

“Civility costs nothing and buys everything.” Mary Wortley Montague

It cannot be said any better, and it cannot be hyped any further. Being courteous at all times, giving regards to whom regards is due and not due, is a sure propelling force that would take you to that place you earnestly desire.

This is a known fact, and it is assumed that it has resonated with you, otherwise you should work towards being courteous. Would you?

It should resonate with you!
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

You do not want that fall!

“Being smart is when someone constantly plays foolish & at the same time being courteous, until others discover how great they are and are forced to start singing their praise. “ ~ Ochuko A

Playing “foolish” and being courteous is the sure way to go, ‘cos overtime, people in this category move swiftly to the top so much so that others will start thinking they lobbied their way to the top. Nursing the idea that someone else is smarter than you are, until somebody discovers the great you, is one way to play foolish.

Never ever think you are better than somebody else, the moment you start thinking this way, pride kicks in; when it does, be ready to embrace a big fall. I am so sure you do not want that fall.

You do not want that fall!
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

See you at the top!

To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered. - Voltaire

Yes sir! Yes ma’am! Ok sir! Ok ma’am; are all ways to show respect. This same sign of respect is regarded by those who are void of wisdom, as stupidity.

Acting like you are "stupid" (as they call it) is the best medicine for your soul as well as your quest for success.

Wherever you are working or wherever you are posted for an assignment; keep at being “foolish” and walk your way “foolishly” to the top. See you at the top!

See you at the top!
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do not be glad…!

Wisdom says you should not be glad when your “enemy” falls; you should sympathize with them sincerely.

When you sympathize with them, you would be heaping up coal of fire on their heads (meaning; you will make them ashamed or repent of their evil deeds to you) and at the same time, you would be helping yourself emotionally.

It is absolute foolishness to laugh scornfully at the calamity of the "wicked" or "enemy". Get wisdom!

Do not be glad…!
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Taking up space! Bad manners - 82

It is weekend, and you are so “bored”; you visited a restaurant at about 4pm, bought a drink, sat there by yourself and sipped from your glass or bottle bits of the drink you bought. It’s now 6pm; you are still sipping from the same glass/bottle.

The restaurant suddenly became fully occupied because of the rush hours at the time, and customers are scrambling to get a sit, but you are still there with the same drink you bought two (2) hours ago.

Why don’t you just finish your drink and make available the sit for another customer who is standing and hoping you would just leave.

It is unacceptable to act this way, because it conveys bad manners and meanness to mankind.

Right thing to do: If the restaurant is empty, you are allowed to stay for as long as you please, but if the restaurant is full as a result of rush hour, quickly gulp your drink and make room for someone else. Remember, life is not always about you, it is about being your “brother’s keeper.” Correct?

Taking up space! Bad manners - 82!
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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Just be grateful for this moment!

You say, “No you do not know what I am going through.”

To be frank with you, “I know.” Most people also, “know”. But, would you for once look back, and be grateful for the times you would have been so submerged in sickness, abject poverty or death?

But, here you are, still alive; this is a sign that you will get to that desired end as you keep working at it.

Just be grateful, for those incremental steps you have taken towards that picture in front of your mind’s eye. Incremental steps are a huge progress towards that thing you are focusing on. However long, tough, slimy and uneasy the road, you will eventually get there.

Just be grateful for this moment!

Just be grateful for this moment!
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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lay that bed right! - Simple courtesy - 81

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” ~ Albert Einstein

The quote is so true! Peace with yourself and mankind is the easiest to achieve. Consider this; Why will someone finish eating a meal at the office and dump the bowl in the office sink repeatedly?

Judge for you; is this is the way to peaceful coexistence or trouble brewing and ready to explode with the maintainers crew.

Sheer common sense and regard for mankind should always be employed in the way we handle things in life. Nobody in an office environment is assigned to do the dishes; so learn to keep peace with this understanding in mind.

Lay that bed right!

Lay that bed right! - Simple courtesy - 81!
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Friday, October 12, 2012

Speak up, listen, and get help!

When you have issues or concerns, the wisest thing to do is to either run to someone you respect, love, hold dear or admire for help or you could see a Counselor or Pastor (that is, if you are a religious person).

Mind you, the person you may run to also has his/her own share of personal concerns but will be willing to lend a shoulder, or an ear.

Remember: A problem shared is a problem halved – meaning; if you talk about or disclose your concerns to someone, it makes you feel better and, you may get a solution.

Most importantly, if that someone (responsible person, not a figure head) is trying to help you, listen because they are smarter than you.

The last thing you want to do is to be by yourself and whine all day and all night long till you can’t take it no more, and you hurt someone or yourself.

Speak up, listen, and get help!
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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Can you do this?

In life, we should all learn to consider others. It is only when we all learn to put others first that the world will be stripped of greed, selfishness and the likes.

Consider it bad manners, pure selfishness, disregard, and lack of consideration for others to play music through your cell phone’s speaker in a public place or quiet lounge/area.

Please, if you must play your favorite music, stick your ear piece in your ears and enjoy it all the way; most people just want to listen to the sound of the wind not your favorite music. Can you do this?

Can you do this?
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Shoulder Surfing...bad manners - 80

Do you look around before signing into an account online, regardless of whether it is a bank account or a social network account?

That’s the correct thing to do, because there are some persons who would deliberately or unintentional view across your shoulder or table while you type on the keyboard to see what you are typing. This is one effective way of getting peoples passwords.

If you find yourself shoulder surfing, stop it; it is absolute bad manners to shoulder surf while someone is logging into an account via a keyboard.

Solution: Simply look away while someone is trying to log into an account, and if someone is shoulder surfing around you as you try to log into an account online, politely ask them to excuse you. Okay?

Shoulder Surfing...bad manners - 80
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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What can you do to help?

People need love, help, guidance etc for the fear or pain they have inside. What can you do to help?

By love, I mean showing concern for their well-being. People who constantly display bad attitude or behavior often time have a bigger issue brawling inside of them; it is not a question of relational skill. They may be frustrated about a situation or person or worse still have pain, fear or unresolved anger. When the perfect situation arises, they take advantage and vent their frustration on their target.

Those who seem “okay” should not overlook persons with these traits. Effort should be made to assist someone who is in this kind of situation or concern should be shown to loved ones or others we may not have relations with, who are in this category. This can go a long way to cushion the effect of emotional rot or degeneration. A little help will go a long way. What can you do to help?

Put on the authentic YOU!
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Monday, October 8, 2012

Put on the authentic YOU!

“A fake persona cannot be hid for long because it cannot be sustained. In addition, the real you cannot be suppressed for long, it will overtime forcefully propel itself and shine above any persona displayed.” ~ Ochuko A

You require much energy and consistency to sustain a fake persona, but you require no energy to sustain the real you. In addition, to put on a façade is to lose credibility with friends. So, why not enjoy the ride with the real you.

Remember: You only enjoy the ride with everyone around you when the real you is embellished with good personality. You do not want to piss everyone with your bad attitude/character, and say you are being the authentic you. That’s foolishness. Correct?

Put on the authentic YOU!
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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Embed this in your thought!

"Stumbling is not falling." ~ Malcolm X

If this is embedded in your thought, you will never have to worry about what people think of your rate of progress in life. Correct?

Embed this in your thought!
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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sticking the right foot in dare circumstance!

There are seasons and times to everything. Some seasons appear with unforeseen issues which test a person’s emotional stability; the characteristics portrayed at these times show the true makeup of that person, and it can either shape or break them, except of course they recognize this enough and on time to react right.

When those seasons come, you may want to:

  • Back away for a while
  • Give it some more thought
  • Think hard again before reacting

When ready:

  • Lift up, not tear down
  • Love, not hate
  • Smile, not frown
  • Comport yourself, not disconcert
  • Deal wisely, not foolishly
  • Listen more, not clamor to be heard
  • Submit, not lord it over
  • Look back and be happy you did the right thing

If everyone will just stick to these rules (supposing these are rules) the world will most certainly be a better world

Sticking the right foot in dare circumstance!
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Friday, October 5, 2012

Keep on smiling lavishly!

We all know that “funny” is relative, but there are some people who hold back on smile/laughter. Are you among those people who do not laugh heartily when a very funny joke is thrown out?

Please for your good and that of others, smile or laugh lavishly. By “lavishly” I mean not hoarding any. By the way, I am not trying to encourage you to disturb the peace of others around you in a quiet setting; I am trying to say you should be yourself, and at least be happy for some minutes, if the environment permits.

Aside from it being good to you and the receiver, it is also medicine to your soul and body. Keep on smiling or laughing lavishly; would you?

Keep on smiling lavishly!
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Thursday, October 4, 2012

You do not want revolt!

Wisdom says, praise people when they do a great job, and guide the ones who are struggling to accomplish something. Never look down or throw curses at the one who is not doing well in the presence of the other, because, you may be calling for revolt.

You do not want revolt!
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Keep moving don’t stop!

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~ Albert Einstein

On your quest for success, you may make awful mistakes or make bad decisions or choices, but let that not deter you from attaining your goal, after all pursuing, said, and done, you will attain success in the end. Mark this in your diary.

In spite of the mistakes made, take another route and keep moving, don’t stop till you get there!

Keep moving don’t stop!
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Think possible!

“There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.” ~ Malcolm X

“There is no such thing as, ‘I tried my best’; if you fell while walking, get up and walk again, ‘cos if you work towards something and remain focused on that something, there is great possibility of you succeeding.” ~ Ochuko A

Think possible!

Think possible!
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Monday, October 1, 2012

You can do better than this!

We are all aware that billboards are meant to enlighten or update people of current or future happenings, so do handbills and posters.

Some handbills are put on noticeboards, while others are placed on tables in restaurants, hotels, schools, etc. Sometimes one poster is placed on each table for people to just read and not to take away. Flyers or handbills that are meant to be taken away are usually 2 and more on tables.

If you ever find a poster on a notice board that you seem to be interested in, do not grab it and take it with you; it is only meant to be read, this gives others equal opportunity to see it.

If you are so desperate to have the entire information on a poster placed on a noticeboard, please take a photo of it with your mobile phone or better still take it and make photocopy of it, and return same where you found it.

It is absolute bad manners, greed, and selfishness for you to remove something meant for everyone and just keep it to yourself. Most importantly, it is show of contempt and disregard for whoever posted it there.

You do not want to classify yourself in the category of persons without common sense; you sure can do better than this!

You can do better than this!
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