Saturday, March 31, 2012

Are you prepared for the BIG BANG?

Am I prepared to receive that success I so crave for?  I will prepare the table in anticipation of a meal and dress the bed in anticipation of sleep; otherwise I will not be able to eat or sleep. Perhaps, I could but I would do it in a way that is not honorable. On my quest for success, I will do whatever is committed to my trust with commitment and excellence in anticipation of good success, by so doing I am prepared to receive that single opportunity that launches me to greater success.  
Are you prepared for the BIG BANG?
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Friday, March 30, 2012

Do you intentionally think good thoughts?

"The human body gravitates towards thought patterns" ~ Ochuko
On my quest for success, I will intentionally train my mind to think good thoughts like buying gifts for friends on my birthday, and not seeking to receive gifts from them; somehow my body conforms to my good thought patterns not the other way round where, my thought conforms to my feeling asking  friends for gifts on my birthday. 
Do you intentionally think good thoughts?
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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Do you confront your friends?

"Natural filtering of "friends" is better than confrontation." ~ Ochuko
On my quest for success, I will not say to my friends, "I have climbed higher; therefore i cannot hangout with you". Time after time, I will make unbiased and straight forward contribution to discussions with my friends and I will never compromise my stands, value or belief no matter who they are to me; by so doing I would naturally have drawn a picture of what I stand for in the eyes of my friends, ultimately and naturally, the weeds will be separated from the tares. 
Do you confront your friends?
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Do you seek partnership in mystery?

A popular legend says, "Mystery enjoys company". On my quest for success, I rather plan with optimism than succumb to the thoughts of failure. Though, on that road lies the odds of success or failure, I will consciously not seek company with those who envisage failure but I will keep company with those who in the midst of darkness see light; that's by far better because together you can plan again. 
Do you seek partnership in mystery?
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Do you rejoice at the downfall of others?

Rejoicing at the downfall of others releases the magnet that attracts failure in my life. On my quest for success, I will not rejoice at the downfall of my peers or business partners. I will show genuine concern by wanting to know what caused their failure and finding ways to assist them stand and at the same time, avoid the same pitfall. 
Do you rejoice at the downfall of others?
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Monday, March 26, 2012

Excuses equals failure; true?

Excuses repeals progress.  On my quest for success, I will readily be available for anything that requires my attention. I will form the habit of organizing my time to fulfilling my responsibilities on my job, in my home, in the school, on my business. I will not throw excuses at individuals who ask questions  that pertain to my irresponsible actions neither will I rob Peter to pay Paul. 
Excuses equals failure; true?
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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Is excuses your best buddy?

I know there is room for everyone at the top but I will be at the top IF and ONLY IF, I deliberately and decisively take responsibility for my success or failure. On my quest for success, I will not wait for manna from heaven as the Israelites did (that was cool anyway) but I will take deliberate step and make decisive movement towards my success without any form of excuse, because excuses only makes my success far from my reach. 
Is excuses your best buddy?
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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Do you brag about your achievements?

On my quest for success, I will be glad about my achievements day after day but I do not necessarily have to brag about it. As I achieve my goals and formulate new ones and conquer, I will make room for those who do not have the wherewithal to succeed, so they can achieve success by contributing in words, cash and deed. In the end, if there is ever going to be an end; these folks I helped will sing my praise. 
Do you brag about your achievements?
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Friday, March 23, 2012

Are you a person given to few words?

Persons given to few words are wise. On my quest for success, I will not be upfront in any conversation. I will listen with intent; paying attention to more than just the words spoken but the spirit with which the words are spoken. In doing this, I learn quickly and avoid pitfalls that might be ahead if I had spoken too quickly. 
Are you a person given to few words? 
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Do you become invisible to questionable practice?

Aligning oneself with questionable practice is a sure way to failure. On my quest for success, I will be diplomatic about how  I join in a discussion forum or practice that raises questions about my personality. A popular legend says, "show me your friends and i will tell you who you are". I will join wise community of friends in intelligent discuss but will surely be invisible to persons with questionable practice & personality because, I would not want to be labelled as such.  
Do you become invisible to questionable practice.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Will you stay out of harm's way?

We all know people play politics in offices, churches, schools and wherever you can find a human being. On my quest for success, I will watch out for signs of discrimination, manipulation and the like, so as to deliberately stay out of harm's way. Harm's way is where politics and discrimination lives. I will be doing myself a whole lot of good if i intentionally do not align myself with those practices.  
Will you stay out of harm's way?
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Do you expose body parts?

On my quest for success, while trying to get the "attention grab" look, I WILL NOT fail to put into practice what my conscience taught me; my conscience taught me to NOT ever expose my body parts while seeking success, because in doing that, i still get the attention i so desire but from the wrong persons and for this reason i may fail.  
Do you expose body parts?
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Monday, March 19, 2012

Will you be careful how you dress you?

Successful persons dress for success! On my quest for success, I will be careful how I dress me. I earnestly do not want to look like I am unserious or like i just left a pit. No matter how cheap a shirt or dress is, I will wash, iron and look good in my outfit at all times because, I never know where my appearance will catch someone's attention and give me the breakthrough I so desire.
Will you be careful how you dress you?
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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Are you committed to your own success?

Successful persons are committed to their own success. On my quest for success, I will stay committed to the course I have already started and see to it that it is accomplished.
Are you committed to your own success?
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Saturday, March 17, 2012

In spite of setback, do you keep a positive outlook?

Successful persons never envision obstacles when they set their heart to achieving anything, but in the event there is an obstacle they see opportunity and they use that platform to soar even more. In my quest for success, I will deliberately keep a positive outlook in life in spite of setback and brace up for success on the journey.

In spite of setback, do you keep a positive outlook?
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Friday, March 16, 2012

Will your work speak well for you?

As a person's personality speaks for them, so does a person's work. There is a popular legend that says actions speak loudest. On my quest for success, I will deliberately act right in private/public and at the same time handle my business with excellence, so that while I am unreachable to be questioned about my personality, my work will speak well for me.

Will your work speak well for you?
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Do you distinguish yourself with excellence?

People who desire success always do whatever is committed to their hands with excellence, no matter how small; in my quest for success, I will deliberately do any work committed to my hands with excellence. I would not try to convince someone about me but the finished work will distinguish me from the lot. 

Do you distinguish yourself with excellence? 
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Do you invest time and money to help you?

On my quest for success, I will thrive to be who I want to be, not what others want me to be; so long it's the right thing. In seeking to be that which I aspire to become, I deliberately invest time and money in studying materials that will help me become that which I strongly hope to become.

Do you invest time & money to help you? 
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Are you happy to assist others?

Real successful folks seek opportunity to help others succeed. In my quest for success, I will deliberately seek to assist anyone that needs my assistance should the need arise because in the course of doing that I may find help when i need it.

 Are you happy to assist others?
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Monday, March 12, 2012

Do you thrive to be successful for show?

Real successful folks do not clamor to be successful so as to show-off or to buy as many luxury cars as they deem fit for the purpose of pleasure. They thrive in the most challenging situations, turning them around for the good of their families and everyone.  In my quest for success,  I will thrive in the most challenging situation for the good of all and sundry, considering the fact that nothing is mine after all.

 Do you thrive to be successful for show?
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Sunday, March 11, 2012

How do you know you are after the right thing?

How do i know I am after the right thing? On my quest for success, I know I am after the right thing when; it is not for selfish gain, when i am not doing it to outclass a friend, when my doing it does not put another in harms way and finally, when it helps others at the end of the journey, then i am after the right thing.

 How do you know you are after the right thing?
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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Do you know what you want?

On my quest for success, I know what I want in my career, I go after it and my focus remains fixed. I will plot my graph and start. On that path, I have no business crossing T's and dotting I's. Any miscellaneous unseen agents that cannot be noted by a human as me, God completes; that's His business. There is no stopping me when my heart is settled I am after the right thing.
Do you know what you want?
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Friday, March 9, 2012

Do you acknowledge & learn from people's successes?

Hats off to all you who have achieved success in one form or another, I admire your courage, determination and will-power. I wish you many more successes; in my quest for success I have to acknowledge and learn from the people who have achieved success so as to create an I-CAN-DO-IT-TOO mentality and start my journey from there. "If I desire success, I will salute the successful"

 Do you acknowledge & learn from people's successes?
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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Do you know where favor lives?

One thing I know; Happiness is a choice and a sad personality never attracts favor. So, on my quest for success, I will deliberately dress responsibly and put on a cheerful personality, so that when i meet someone at any point in time on my journey, I would get that favor I need that would become handy not forgetting the fact that I do not know where favor lives, it may be in that warm handshake or that smiley face. 
Do you know where favor lives?
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is timely-decision-making a virtue?

In my quest for success, I must remember dilly-dally is not part of my many friends and I definitely know that patience is a virtue but while I am involved doing what I have to do  today, I must make timely decisions because delay could translate to failure. 

 Is timely-decision-making a virtue?
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Will you do what you have to do today?

I am definitely not God but in my quest for success, I must know what I am going to do next, one day at a time. I will work with my schedule but I will not forget that I have to do what I have to do today. The sum of all "today's" indulgence produces tomorrow's successes.
 Will you do what you have to do today ?
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Monday, March 5, 2012

Does every tick of the clock matter to you?

On my quest for success, every tick of the clock matters. Schedule is my best friend, and time slot for everything puts my foot in the right direction. I may have a spill on time but I will definitely try play catch-up except when time is truly far ahead of me, then I will let it go and settle it within me that, it is beyond my to-do powers to keep up.
 Does every tick of the clock matter to you ?
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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Do you constantly do personal check?

On my quest for success, I will stick to the plan, set my eyes on the goal and I will constantly do personal check to create an assurance I am still on track as planned, otherwise I be wasting valuable time chasing non-essentials. 
Do you constantly do personal check?
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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Do you ask questions?

On my quest for success, I will drop my ego and ask successful people questions on how they got to the level they are now, so I can get answers to move forward. People who desire success love to ask questions. If I think I have all the answers then I may never go too far in my quest for success.
Do you questions?
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Friday, March 2, 2012

Do you achieve success overnight?

On my quest for success, I must imprint it in my heart that success comes by precept upon precept and line upon line. I will be grateful for where I am. No successful man made it overnight.
 Do you achieve success overnight?
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Thursday, March 1, 2012

How do you build integrity?

On my quest for success, i must carry with me an important luggage such as integrity; It is one key element that will propel me to the next step as i meet with people, until i get to my success destination. If i lack it, i will build it by doing that i said i will do.
How do you build integrity?
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